June 2001 AgendaLos
Angeles Airport Marriott
This was updated at 1:45 P.M., Friday, June 15, 2001. |
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. At a convenient time during the meeting, the Commission (CCC) will have a closed session to discuss items of pending litigation, including:CLOSED SESSION
Big Creek Lumber Co., McCrary v. CCC, et al. (Govt. Code ß 11126(e)(2)(A))
Central Coast Forest Assn. v. CCC, et al. (Govt. Code ß 11126(e)(2)(A))
Friends of Neary Lagoon, et al. v. CCC, et al. (Govt. Code ß 11126(e)(2)(A))
Southern California Edison Co. v. CCC, et al. (Govt. Code ß 11126(e)(2)(A))
Smiley v. CCC (Govt. Code ß 11126(e)(2)(A))
The Matter of Unpermitted Grading at 28517 Pacific Coast Highway, Malibu (The Pointe, Gladys and Michael LaBerge) (Govt. Code ß 11126(e)(2)(C))
Friends of Black Sands Beach v. Bureau of Land Management (Govt. Code ß 11126(e)(2)(C))
Summit Resources, Ltd. v. CCC, et al. (Govt. Code ß 11126(e)(2)(A))
Kenny and Starz v. County of Los Angeles, CCC, et al. (Govt. Code ß 11126(e)(2)(A))
CCC v. Starz (Govt. Code ß 11126(e)(2)(A))
Harfenist v. CCC, et al (Govt. Code ß 11126(e)(2)(A))
CCC v. Furmanski, et al. (Govt. Code ß 11126(e)(2)(A))
Signal Landmark, et al. v. CCC (Govt. Code ß 11126(e)(2)(A))
In the Matter of Torch Operating Co./Oil Spill at Platform Irene (Govt. Code ß 11126(e)(2)(C))
Marine Forests Society, et al. v. CCC, CA State Lands Commission (Sacramento Superior Court, No. 00AS03293) (Govt. Code ß 11126(e)(2)(A))
Marine Forests Society, et al. v. CCC, CA Dept. of Fish & Game, et al. (Sacramento Superior Court, No. 00AS00567) (Govt. Code ß 11126(e)(2)(A))
Page v. City of Pacific Grove, CCC, et al. (Govt. Code ß 11126(e)(2)(A))
Berenbaum v. CCC (Govt. Code ß 11126(e)(2)(A))
The Commission is authorized to discuss these matters in a closed session pursuant to Government Code Sections 11126(e)(2)(A) and (2)(C). In addition, the Commission may consider matters which fall under Government Code Section 11126(e)(2)(B) or (2)(C).
a. Application No. 6-01-55 (San Diego dock renewal) Application of City of San Diego to renovate existing boat dock & associated facilities to include repairs to existing street light & pedestrian ramp, replacement of existing rails & floating boat dock, and installation of (public) sewage pump-out system, at Hospitality Point, Mission Bay Park, San Diego, San Diego County. (EL-SD) [APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS]
4. DEPUTY DIRECTOR'S REPORT. Report by Deputy Director on permit waivers, emergency permits, immaterial amendments & extensions, LCP matters not requiring public hearings, and on comments from the public. For specific information contact the Commission's San Diego office at (619) 767-2370.
a. Carlsbad LCP Amendment No. 1-2000 (Roesch Subdivision). Public hearing and action on request by City of Carlsbad to amend its certified LCP to rezone 27.7 acre parcel from L-C (Limited Control) to One Family Residential (R-1-7, 500-Q) on 5.83 acres and Open Space (O-S) on 21.87 acres, north of Poinsettia Lane. (KA-SD) [APPROVED WITH MODIFICATIONS]
b. Del Mar LCP Amendment No. 1-2000 (MSCP Element). Public hearing and action on request by City of Del Mar to amend its certified Land Use Plan to incorporate Multiple Species Conservation Plan element. (EL-SD) [POSTPONED]
c. San Diego LCP Amendment No. 6-2000A (Naval Training Center). Public hearing and action on request by City of San Diego to amend Cityís certified LCP Land Use Plan and Implementation Plan to establish new planning segment for the former Naval Training Center to include residential, commercial, arts or culture uses, visitor-serving, mixed-use, and public land uses. (DL-SD) [APPROVED WITH MODIFICATIONS]
d. San Diego Port District Boundary Adjustment #5. Public hearing and action on request by San Diego Unified Port District to amend its adopted port boundary map to include 52-acres transferred from U.S. Navy to the Port District, west of San Diego International Airport (Lindbergh Field), east of McCain Road, north of Harbor Drive, and south of U.S. Marine Corps Recruit Depot in City of San Diego. (DL-SD) [APPROVED]
e. Port Plan Amendment No. 28 (former NTC transfer, employee parking, storm drain upgrade). Public hearing and action on request by the Port District to amend its certified Port Master Plan to incorporate 52 acres transferred from the former Naval Training Center to the Port District; assign ìIndustrial-International Airportî land use designation, and add two new projects: interim 2,200 space parking lot and upgrading 30-inch storm drain to 48-inches. (DL-SD) [APPROVED]
f. San Diego Plan Amendment No. 27 Findings. Port of San Diego granted amendments as submitted for North Embarcadero Redevelopment Program allowing 600-800 room hotel, office building, retail & parking on the old Lane Field site; narrowing of Harbor Drive from 4 lanes to 3; new 25-ft-wide pedestrian esplanade along waterís edge at Harbor Drive; replacement of 3 existing industrial piers with new public pier at Grape Street, restaurant on bayfront at foot of Grape Street Pier; modernization of cruise ship terminal at B Street Pier; and docking U.S.S. Midway Aircraft Carrier on south side of Navy Pier for a museum. (DL-SD) [POSTPONED]
g. San Diego LCP Amendment No. 4-2000 (Centre City North Embarcadero) Findings. City of San Diego granted amendment to certified Land Use Plan and Zoning Ordinance to create North Embarcadero Overlay District with new design guidelines, eliminate parking maximums, and establish parking minimums for hotel, office, residential, restaurant and retail uses. (DL-SD) [POSTPONED]
7. COASTAL PERMIT APPLICATIONS. See AGENDA HEADINGS. Attention: Items appearing in this section of the agenda may be moved to the Consent Calendar for this area by the Executive Director when, prior to taking up the Consent Calendar, staff and the applicant are in agreement on the staff recommendation. If an item is moved to the Consent Calendar it will be processed in the same manner as other Consent Calendar items (See AGENDA HEADINGS) except that if that item is subsequently removed from the Consent Calendar by a vote of three or more commissioners, the item will be acted upon at the meeting in the order in which it originally appears on this Meeting Notice and in the manner Coastal Permit Applications are processed. The purpose of this procedural change is to expedite the Commission's coastal development permit process.
a. Appeal No. A-6-00-67 (Chart House, San Diego) Appeal by La Jolla Town Council from decision of City of San Diego granting permit with conditions to Chart House Enterprises, Inc. to remodel and add 1,821 sq.ft. to existing 3-level 7,506 sq.ft. restaurant with 10 off-site parking spaces, plus 2,707 sq.ft. additions and public vertical access easement along eastern part of .91 acre site, at 1270 Prospect Street, La Jolla, San Diego, San Diego County. (LRO-SD) [POSTPONED]
b. Application No. 6-00-134 (Del Mar lagoon opening) Application of City of Del Mar to excavate 15,000 cu.yds. of sediment from 1.5 acres at lagoon mouth to restore tidal action, discharge excavated materials over .2 acres of supratidal beach, regrade area to natural contours, and re-open mouth as needed for five years, at mouth of San Dieguito Lagoon (from shoreline to railroad bridge), Del Mar, San Diego County. (EL-SD) [APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS]
c. Application No. 6-01-44 (Bartell Hotels, San Diego) Application of Bartell Hotels to remodel 196-room hotel & marina, add 80 guestrooms, 5,000 sq.ft. lobby, 6,000 sq.ft. conference & banquet facility, and expand existing leasehold by 2‡ acres, at 1710 West Mission Bay Drive, Mission Bay Park, San Diego, San Diego County. (EL-SD) [APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS]
d. Application No. 6-01-45 (Park Station, Solana Beach) Application of Park Station Limited to divide 1.8 acre into 23 lots, and construct 22 single-family "row houses" and 1 triplex, with 6,000 cu.yds. of grading and storm drain improvements, on west side of North Cedros, north of Cliff Street, Solana Beach, San Diego County. (GDC-SD) [APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS]
8. PERMIT AMENDMENTS. See AGENDA HEADINGS. An Amendment below may be moved to the Consent Calendar for this area by the Executive Director when, prior to taking up the Consent Calendar, staff and the applicant are in agreement on the staff recommendation. If an item is moved to the Consent Calendar it will be processed like other Consent Calendar items (See above) except that if that item is subsequently removed from the Consent Calendar by a vote of 3 or more commissioners, the item will be acted upon at the meeting in the order in which it originally appears on this Meeting Notice and in the manner material amendments are processed.
a. Permit No. 6-00-12-A (San Diego beach parking) Request by City of San Diego to amend permit for street end and public parking lot improvements to allow use of 8 parking spaces for "passenger drop-off area" with 3-minute parking limit, in public parking lot north of Belmont Park, south of Ventura Place, Mission Beach, San Diego, San Diego County. (LRO-SD) [APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS]
a. Appeal No. A-5-01-149 (Hazen, Laguna Beach) Appeal by Alice Upjohn from decision of City of Laguna Beach granting permit to Dean Hazen to add 226 sq.ft. enclosed deck (lanai) to upper level and 252 sq.ft. deck to mid level of 3-level blufftop single-family home, at 31711 Seacliff Drive, Laguna Beach, Orange County. (MV-LB) [NO SUBSTANTIAL ISSUE FOUND]
a. Application No. 3-01-25 (Beckett, Carmel) Application of William & Georgeann Beckett Trust to demolish 1075 sq.ft. single-family home, and construct 1,597 sq.ft. home, on Lincoln Street 2nd house SW of 12th Avenue, Carmel, Monterey County. (MW-SC) [APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS]
b. Application No. 3-01-47 (Monterey outfall repair) Application of City of Monterey, Department of Public Works to repair existing outfall, replace and move outfall, construct headwall & rock seawall with lateral public walkway at outfall discharge point, and restore sand dunes at existing outfall discharge, Del Monte Lake & Pacific Ocean (in Navy dunes area), Monterey, Monterey County. (SC-SC) [POSTPONED]
9. EXECUTIVE DIRECTORíS REPORT including report on legislation.
a. Legislation. The Commission may take positions on the following bills: AB 62, AB 104, AB 107, AB 388, AB 556, AB 560, AB 639, AB 640, AB 759, AB 960, AB 949, AB 1011, AB 1108, AB 1145, AB 1172, AB 1192, AB 1256, AB 1414, AB 1602, ACR 20, SB 1, SB 31, SB 55, SB 107, SB 116, SB 124, SB 142, SB 516, SB 908, & SB 1164. (SC-Sac)
b. Contract. Recommended contract with City of San Diego for $150,000, funded through Local Assistance grant, for the Windan'sea Erosion Control Maintenance Plan. (LCE-SF) [APPROVED]
10. PERIODIC REVIEW of CERTIFIED LCPs. Public hearing and discussion of LCP and Periodic Review issues, particularly in the South Coast District. (TG-SC & LF-SF)
11. ENERGY, OCEAN RESOURCES and WATER QUALITY REPORT. Report by the Deputy Director on permit waivers, emergency permits, immaterial amendments & extensions, matters not requiring public hearings, and status report on offshore oil & gas exploration & development. (JCK-SF)
a. Guadalupe Oil Field Remediation Status Report. Commission briefing on Unocalís petroleum-hydrocarbon remediation activities at Guadalupe oil field. (AD & DC-SF)
b. Chevron 4H Platform Shell Mounds. Possible Commission action on process by which disposition of Chevron 4H platform shell mounds (in state waters in eastern Santa Barbara Channel, Santa Barbara County) will be resolved. (AJD-SF)
a. Ventura Co. LCP Amendment No. VNT-MAJ-1-00 (Part A). Public hearing and action on request by County of Ventura to amend the energy development sections of its certified Local Coastal Program (Coastal Area Plan and Coastal Zoning Ordinance) to update out-of date text and amend policies and zoning standards to achieve consistency with the energy development sections of the Countyís General Plan and Non-Coastal Zoning Ordinance. Amendment VNT-MAJ-1-00 (Part B), involves changes to non-energy development sections of the certified LCP and will be considered at a later hearing. (RTB-SF) [APPROVED WITH MODIFICATIONS]
a. Appeal No. A-4-01-93 (Ventura Port District, San Buenaventura) Appeal by Lou Merzario from decision by City of San Buenaventura granting permit with conditions to Ventura Port District to repair and upgrade fuel tanks and piping at fuel pier used by commercial fishing vessels, in Ventura Harbor, at 1431 Spinnaker Drive, San Buenaventura, Ventura County. (TRL-SF) [NO SUBSTANTIAL ISSUE FOUND]
a. Application No. E-01-6 (Ventura Port District, San Buenaventura) Application of Ventura Port District to repair and upgrade fuel pier used by commercial fishing vessels by replacing single-wall fuel lines with double-wall fuel lines and upgrading fuel delivery system, In Ventura Harbor, at 1431 Spinnaker Drive, San Buenaventura, Ventura County. (TRL-SF) [APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS]
a. Application No. E-00-14 (SCE, SDG&E, Anaheim & Riverside, San Diego Co.) Southern California Edison, San Diego Gas & Electric Co., City of Anaheim, and City of Riverside granted permit with conditions for spent fuel storage facility for San Onofre Generating Station Units 2 & 3, consisting of three concrete pads covering 25,550 sq.ft. and 104 steel-reinforced concrete fuel storage modules, at 5000 Pacific Coast Highway, northern San Diego County. (DC-SF) [APPROVED]
16. SONGS Status. Status report on Southern California Edison's progress on SONGS mitigation program. (JJL & SMH-SF)
17. DEPUTY DIRECTORíS REPORT. Report by Deputy Director on permit waivers, emergency permits, immaterial amendments & extensions, LCP matters not requiring public hearings, and on comments from the public. For specific information contact the Commissionís Santa Cruz office at (831) 427-4863.
a. Wetlands Mapping Grant. Acceptance of grant from Environmental Protection Agency and approval of interagency agreements with California Conservation Corps and Morro Bay National Estuary Program for development of a Central Coast Comprehensive Wetlands GIS Database. (RPC-SC) [APPROVED]
b. Procedures, 3-01-1-EDD (Schoenfield, San Luis Obispo Co.). Public hearing and Commission determination of applicable hearing and notice procedures, pursuant to California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Section 13569, for Albert Schoenfield Certificates of Compliance issued by San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors for two lots (. 1 acre & 3.2 acres), at 2731 Pecho Valley Road, Los Osos. (DSL-SC) [POSTPONED]
a. Capitola LCP Amendment No. CAP-MAJ-1-01 (Tringali). Public hearing and action on request by City of Capitola to amend Land Use Plan designation on part of lot from C-P (Pedestrian Commercial) to R-LM (Residential: Low-Medium Density 5-10 units per acre) and rezone it from CN (Neighborhood Commercial) to R-1 (Single Family Residence), at 609 Capitola Avenue. (SC-SC) [APPROVED]
a. Appeal No. A-3-01-34 (Rogers, Santa Cruz Co.) Appeal by Charles Paulden from decision of County of Santa Cruz granting permit with conditions to Peter & James Rogers to divide one ‡-acre lot into two lots, demolish single-family home, and construct two single-family homes, on inland side of East Cliff Drive (between East Cliff Drive & Moran Way, next to Moran Lake) in Live Oak area of Santa Cruz County. (DC-SC) [POSTPONED]
b. Appeal No. A-3-01-45 (Oblates of St. Joseph Church, Santa Cruz) Appeal by Sierra Club & Robert Adelman, et al., from decision of City of Santa Cruz granting permit with conditions to Oblates Of St. Joseph Church to expand existing parking lot from 100 to 117 spaces, at 544 West Cliff Drive, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz County. (SC-SC) [TO CONTINUE]
21. COASTAL PERMIT APPLICATIONS. See AGENDA HEADINGS. Attention: Items appearing in this section of the agenda may be moved to the Consent Calendar for this area by the Executive Director when, prior to taking up the Consent Calendar, staff and the applicant are in agreement on the staff recommendation. If an item is moved to the Consent Calendar it will be processed in the same manner as other Consent Calendar items (See AGENDA HEADINGS) except that if that item is subsequently removed from the Consent Calendar by a vote of three or more commissioners, the item will be acted upon at the meeting in the order in which it originally appears on this Meeting Notice and in the manner Coastal Permit Applications are processed. The purpose of this procedural change is to expedite the Commission's coastal development permit process.
a. Application No. 3-00-20 (Stackpole & Morgan, Carmel) Application of Alex Stackpole & Spencer Morgan for fence along property frontage, pressure treated wood & wire fence for side yard, and landscaping, at 111, 112 Yankee Pt. Drive, Carmel, Monterey County. (CKC-SC) [APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS]
b. Application No. 3-00-90 (Mandurrago & Adams, Carmel) Application of John Mandurrago & Brian Adams to demolish home (Hitchcock House, fronting on Mission Street), demolish apartments & office (fronting on San Carlos Street), remove four trees, construct multi-story 7,355 sq.ft. 13-unit residential care facility (with 5,500 sq.ft. underground basement & garage) in Spanish revival style extending from San Carlos to Mission Streets incorporating publicly accessible walkway and courtyard between the two streets, on site between San Carlos & Mission Streets and between 7th & 8th Avenues in Carmel-by-the-Sea, Monterey County. (MW-SC) [TO CONTINUE]
c. Appeal No. A-3-00-119 (Todd, San Luis Obispo Co.) Application of Joe Todd for 3,700 sq.ft. single-family home & attached garage, at 16485 Cabrillo Highway, 1‡ miles north of Piedras Blancas Lighthouse, San Simeon, San Luis Obispo County. (RB-SC) [APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS]
d. Appeal No. A-3-01-18 (Gonyer, San Luis Obispo Co.) Application of John Gonyer for 1,774 sq.ft. single-family home with 1,029 sq.ft. footprint, at 1770 Ogden Drive (Lodge Hill), Cambria, San Luis Obispo County. (RB-SC) [POSTPONED]
e. Application No. 3-01-19 (Monterey Co. Old Salinas River dredging) Application of Monterey County Water Resources Agency for one-time dredging of 15,000 cu.yds. of material from selected locations in 2.4 miles of drainage channel between Salinas River Lagoon tide gates and Monterey Dunes Way Road, at Old Salinas River Channel, Monterey County. (CKC-SC) [APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS]
22. CONSERVANCY ENHANCEMENT PLAN CP 1-01 (Pajaro River). Public hearing and action on Coastal Conservancy Enhancement Plan to initiate ìRiver Concept Planî addressing urban planning, landscape planning, and biological planning for the Pajaro River. (DC-SC) [APPROVED]
a. Application No. 5-00-400 (Playa Vista Capital, Los Angeles) Application of Playa Vista Capital, L.L.C. to construct modified & new ramp connections between Lincoln & Culver Boulevards, widen Culver Boulevard by 37-39 feet between Lincoln Boulevard & Marina Freeway (Rte. 90), and widen grade level connections between Culver Boulevard & Marina Freeway, with drainage, lighting, landscaping, and 1.1 acre extended biofiltration basin in ramp loop, at Culver Boulevard and Lincoln Boulevard, Playa Vista, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County. (PE-LB) [WITHDRAWN]
b. Appeal No. A-5-00-417 (Playa Vista Capital, Los Angeles) Appeal by Ballona Wetlands Land Trust, Coalition To Save The Marina, Inc. & Wetlands Action Network from decision of City of Los Angeles granting permit to Playa Vista Capital, L.L.C. for modified & new ramp connections between Lincoln & Culver Boulevards, widening Culver Blvd. by 37-43 feet between Lincoln Boulevard & Marina Freeway (Rte. 90), widening grade level connections between Culver Blvd. & Marina Freeway, drainage, lighting, landscaping, and 1.1 acre extended biofiltration basin in ramp loop, at Culver Blvd. between Lincoln Blvd. and Marina Freeway, Area C, Playa Vista, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County. (PE-LB) [WITHDRAWN]
c. Application No. 5-01-190 (Calvary Church & Los Angeles) Application of Calvary Church of Pacific Palisades and City of Los Angeles Department of Recreation & Parks to grade 16,400 cu.yds., construct 390-ft-long retaining wall (up to 23-ft-high) and 32,400 sq.ft. sports field (shared with organized groups from Pacific Palisades on 32 late afternoons per year, ‡-days for one week each summer month, and other organized youth groups on up to 6 additional weekend days per year); half of field and significant grading extends outside the urban (grading) limit line established in permit A-381-78A onto 1.25 acres of 108-acre public park dedicated to City of Los Angeles as condition of permit A-381-78A; at 701 Palisades Drive, Pacific Palisades, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County. (PE-LB) [POSTPONED]
24. REVOCATION of Permit No. 5-00-229 (Hartunian, Los Angeles) Request by Pacific Palisades Residents Association to revoke permit granted to Steve Hartunian for 56í by 120í tennis court partially supported by two caissons with 250 cu.yds. of cut to be exported and one 10-ft-high retaining wall on north side of tennis court, at 16201 Shadow Mountain Drive, Pacific Palisades, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County. (AM-LB) [PERMIT REVOKED]
a. Application No. 5-01-118 (Lee, Los Angeles) Application of The Lee Group, Inc. for 30-ft-high 4,045 sq.ft. single-family home & attached 3-car garage, on canal-front lot, at 3705 Esplanade, Venice, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County. (CP-LB) [APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS]
b. Application No. 5-01-119 (Lee, Los Angeles) Application of The Lee Group, Inc. for 30-ft-high 4,045 sq.ft. single-family home & attached 3-car garage, on canal-front lot, at 3615 Esplanade, Venice, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County. (CP-LB) [APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS]
c. Application No. 5-01-120 (Lee, Los Angeles) Application of The Lee Group, Inc. for 30-ft-high 4,045 sq.ft. single-family home & attached 3-car garage, on canal-front lot, at 3605 Esplanade, Venice, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County. (CP-LB) [APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS]
d. Application No. 5-01-121 (Lee, Los Angeles) Application of The Lee Group, Inc. for 30-ft-high 4,045 sq.ft. single-family home & attached 3-car garage, on canal-front lot, at 3701 Esplanade, Venice, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County. (CP-LB) [APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS]
e. Application No. 5-01-122 (Lee, Los Angeles) Application of The Lee Group, Inc. for 30-ft-high 4,045 sq.ft. single-family home & attached 3-car garage, on canal-front lot, at 3601 Esplanade, Venice, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County. (CP-LB) [APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS]
f. Application No. 5-01-123 (Lee, Los Angeles) Application of The Lee Group, Inc. for 30-ft-high 4,045 sq.ft. single-family home & attached 3-car garage, on canal-front lot, at 3609 Esplanade, Venice, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County. (CP-LB) [APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS]
g. Application No. 5-01-167 (Los Angeles Co. beach parking management) Application of Los Angeles County Department of Beaches & Harbors for 6-month pilot parking management changes at three beach parking lots, replacing ìhonor drop-boxesî & parking attendants with ìpay-by-spaceî and ìpay and displayî machines and electronic parking meters, at 62nd Avenue, Hyperion & Grand Avenue (Dockweiler State Beach), Los Angeles County. (AP-LB) [APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS]
4. FEDERAL CONSISTENCY REPORT. Report by the Division Supervisor on Negative Determinations issued by the federal consistency staff, and status report on other major non-energy federal consistency matters. (MPD-SF)
a. CD-16-01 (Corps of Engineers, Oceanside) Consistency Determination by Corps of Engineers to remove part of submerged groin, Oceanside Harbor, Oceanside, San Diego County. (MPD-SF) [APPROVED]
b. CD-35-01 (Air Force, Santa Barbara Co.) Consistency Determination by Air Force for dredging and harbor construction to support Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle Program, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County. (JRR-SF) [APPROVED]
c. CD-50-98 (National Marine Fisheries Service, Santa Cruz) Modifications to previously-concurred-with consistency determination for fisheries research laboratory by National Marine Fisheries Service concerning seawater intake system, McAllister Way, Terrace Point, Santa Cruz , Santa Cruz County. (MPD-SF) [APPROVED]
a. CD-23-01 (Air Force, Santa Barbara Co.) Concurrence with consistency determination by Air Force for Snowy Plover Management Plan, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County. (JRR-SF) [APPROVED]
b. CD-28-01 (Corps of Engineers, Long Beach) Concurrence with consistency determination by Corps of Engineers for pilot studies using 130,000 cu.yds. of dredged material, for treatment or disposal of contaminated sediment, Los Angeles River estuary and offshore of Long Beach, Los Angeles County. (MPD-SF) [APPROVED]
7. DEPUTY DIRECTORíS REPORT. Report by Deputy Director on permit waivers, emergency permits, immaterial amendments & extensions, LCP matters not requiring public hearings, and on comments from the public. For specific information contact the Commissionís San Francisco office at (415) 904-5260.
8. CONSENT CALENDAR (removed from Regular Calendar). See AGENDA HEADINGS.
9. COASTAL PERMIT APPLICATION. See AGENDA HEADINGS. Attention: Items appearing in this section of the agenda may be moved to the Consent Calendar for this area by the Executive Director when, prior to taking up the Consent Calendar, staff and the applicant are in agreement on the staff recommendation. If an item is moved to the Consent Calendar it will be processed in the same manner as other Consent Calendar items (See AGENDA HEADINGS) except if that item is subsequently removed from the Consent Calendar by a vote of three or more commissioners, the item will be acted upon at the meeting in the order in which it originally appears on this Meeting Notice and in the manner Coastal Permit Applications are processed. The purpose of this procedural change is to expedite the Commission's coastal development permit process.
a. Appeal No. A-1-99-51 (Wavecrest Village, Cabrillo School Dist. and Boys & Girls Club, Half Moon Bay) Appeal by Leonard Beuth et al., Helen Carey, Wayward Lot Investment Co. and San Mateo Land Exchange, and Commissioners Wan & Dettloff from decision of City of Half Moon Bay granting permit with conditions to Wavecrest Village L.L.C., Cabrillo Unified School District, and Boys & Girls Club of the Coastside, to divide 205.7 acres, construct 225 market-rate single-family homes, 46 affordable housing units, middle school and outdoor recreation on 25.3 acres, Boys & Girls Club on 2.8 acres, 120,000 sq.ft. of office space and 40,000 sq.ft. of retail space in 10 buildings and associated parking on 12 acres, open space on 112 acres, wetland restoration, detention basin on 7.7 acres, trails, onsite infrastructure, streets, landscaping, offsite vertical access at Poplar Beach, and offsite improvements on Highway 1 and South Main Street, one mile south of downtown Half Moon Bay, bounded by Seymour Street right-of-way, Marinero Avenue right-of-way, Highway 1, and Pacific Ocean, Half Moon Bay, San Mateo County. (VAE-SF) [TO CONTINUE]
10. PERMIT AMENDMENT. See AGENDA HEADINGS. An Amendment below may be moved to the Consent Calendar for this area by the Executive Director when, prior to taking up the Consent Calendar, staff and the applicant are in agreement on the staff recommendation. If an item is moved to the Consent Calendar it will be processed like other Consent Calendar items (See above) except that if that item is subsequently removed from the Consent Calendar by a vote of 3 or more commissioners, the item will be acted upon at the meeting in the order in which it originally appears on this Meeting Notice and in the manner material amendments are processed.
a. Permit No. 1-94-38 A (Williams, Marin Co.) Request by Louis & Kathy Williams to terrace and landscape hillside, and construct five 4-ft-high retaining walls (30 feet to 80 feet long), on-grade steps, wooden stairway at base of slope, and drainage system, at 82 Camino Del Mar, Inverness, Marin County. (SLB-SF) [APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS]
11. DEPUTY DIRECTORíS REPORT. Report by Deputy Director on permit waivers, emergency permits, immaterial amendments & extensions, LCP matters not requiring public hearings, and on comments from the public. For specific information contact the Commissionís Eureka office at (707) 445-7833.
12. CONSENT CALENDAR (removed from Regular Calendar). See AGENDA HEADINGS.
a. Appeal No. A-1-01-22 (Humboldt Area Foundation, Humboldt Co.) Appeals by Save The Public's Lynn Vietor Nature Preserve and Charles Thomas from decision of County of Humboldt granting 2-year extension of permit to Humboldt Area Foundation for 6,390 sq.ft. 33-ft-high building (to house public meetings, office & research library), 65-stall paved parking lot, foot path to connect existing & new facilities, excavation of 800 cu.yds. of soil for building pad & parking areas, and on-site & off-site drainage, at foundation's existing facilities, off Indianola Road, Humboldt County. (TST-E) [NO SUBSTANTIAL ISSUE FOUND]
b. Appeal No. A-1-01-29 (Eureka Waterfront Partners, Eureka) Appeal by Mark Jones from decision of City of Eureka granting Immaterial Amendment to Coastal Permit to Eureka Waterfront Partners to construct two mixed-use 3-story buildings totaling 57,814 sq.ft., and two private parking lots containing 66 off-street spaces, between ìDî & ìFî Streets and First Street & Humboldt Bay, Eureka, Humboldt County. (JB-E) [POSTPONED]
14. COASTAL PERMIT APPLICATIONS. See AGENDA HEADINGS. Attention: Items appearing in this section of the agenda may be moved to the Consent Calendar for this area by the Executive Director when, prior to taking up the Consent Calendar, staff and the applicant are in agreement on the staff recommendation. If an item is moved to the Consent Calendar it will be processed in the same manner as other Consent Calendar items (See AGENDA HEADINGS) except that if that item is subsequently removed from the Consent Calendar by a vote of three or more commissioners, the item will be acted upon at the meeting in the order in which it originally appears on this Meeting Notice and in the manner Coastal Permit Applications are processed. The purpose of this procedural change is to expedite the Commission's coastal development permit process.
a. Appeal No. A-1-00-33 (Del Norte Healthcare District, Crescent City) Appeal by Commissioners Desser & Woolley from decision of City of Crescent City granting permit with conditions to Del Norte Healthcare District to construct 94-room destination hotel and restaurant (56,210 sq.ft. floor area and up to 35-ft-high), paved parking lot, covered entry, walkways, signs, and coastal access, coastal viewing, and landscaping improvements, at west end of Front Street at "A" Street, at 100 "A" Street, Crescent City, Del Norte County. (JB-E) [APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS]
b. Appeal No. A-1-00-51 (Bonham Investment, Mendocino Co.) Appeal by Friends of Schooner Gulch from decision of County of Mendocino granting permit with conditions to Bonham Investment Company to reconfigure three lots recognized by Certificate of Compliance #CC 29-98, on west side of Highway 1 at Glennen Drive (CR #534), 2‡ miles north of Gualala, Mendocino County. (JB-E) [TO CONTINUE]
c. Appeal No. A-1-99-1 (Smiley, Mendocino Co.) Application of Robert & Luanne Smiley for 2,562 sq.ft. single-family home (plus 2,476 sq.ft. basement), 638 sq.ft. guesthouse, garage, greenhouse, lap pool, 2 septic systems, driveway, propane tank and generator shed, at 10927 South Highway 1, Elk, Mendocino County. (SFS-SF) [APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS]
15. DEPUTY DIRECTOR'S REPORT. Report by Deputy Director on permit waivers, emergency permits, immaterial amendments & extensions, LCP matters not requiring public hearings, and on comments from the public. For specific information contact the commission's Long Beach office at (562) 590-5071.
a. Venice (City of Los Angeles) Land Use Plan Certification Review. Concurrence with Executive Directorís determination that action of City of Los Angeles, accepting certification of the Land Use Plan for Venice with modifications, is legally adequate. (CP-LB) [APPROVED]
a. Long Beach LCP Amendment No. LOB-MAJ-1-1 (citywide Zoning changes). Public hearing and action on request by City of Long Beach to amend both Land Use Plan and LCP Implementing Ordinances portions of the certified Long Beach LCP to delete prohibition on financial uses in LCP Area D (Belmont Shore) and allow such uses subject to specific design criteria, and other changes. (CP-LB) [APPROVED WITH MODIFICATIONS]
b. San Clemente LCP Amendment No. SCT-MAJ-1-01 (Ave. Granada). Public hearing and action on request by City of San Clemente to change land use designations of six lots from Mixed Use to Residential Medium Density at 246-256 Avenida Granada. (ALK-LB) [APPROVED]
c. Huntington Beach LCP Amendment No. HNB-MAJ-2 (downtown parking). Public hearing and action on request by City of Huntington Beach to amend the Implementation Plan portion of the LCP by modifying the Downtown Parking Master Plan (DPMP) part of the Downtown Specific Plan, to increase the development cap from 500,000 to 715,000 sq.ft., and revise the DPMPís parking ratios. (MV-LB) [APPROVED WITH MODIFICATIONS]
d. Huntington Beach LCP Amendment No. HNB-3-99 (Coastal Element Update). Public hearing and action on request of City of Huntington Beach to amend both Land Use Plan and Implementation Program of its LCP to replace the existing Coastal Element in its entirety, and delete the Zoning Maps for the parts of the City outside the coastal zone. (SFR-LB) [APPROVED WITH MODIFICATIONS]
e. Laguna Beach LCP Amendment No. 1-01 (Trails) Time Extension. Public hearing and action on request to extend 90-day time limit for action on proposed Land Use Plan amendment to revise Master Plan of Hiking Trails, which includes text revisions and addition of mapped inventory of trails. (MV-LB) [APPROVED]
a. Appeal No. A-5-00-296 (Rancho Palos Verdes, beach and bluff park) Appeal by Lois Knight Larue & James Knight from decision of City of Rancho Palos Verdes granting permit to City of Rancho Palos Verdes for amenities at public beach and bluff edge park, Abalone Cove Beach, including: widening access road, new 15-car parking lot, construction of 1300 sq.ft. restroom, 150 sq.ft. gatehouse, two 625 sq.ft. shade structures, four 81 sq.ft. Palapa structures & life guard station, rehabilitate cabana, repair trails, second beach staircase, picnic shelters, outdoor showers, drinking fountains, picnic tables, and other on-site amenities, warning signs and educational kiosks at tidepools, remove protruding steel, relocate playground, sand replenishment on beach and land stabilization efforts, with 10,070 cu.yds. of grading, Rancho Palos Verdes, Los Angeles County. (PE-LB) [TO CONTINUE]
19. COASTAL PERMIT APPLICATIONS. See AGENDA HEADINGS. Attention: Items appearing in this section of the agenda may be moved to the Consent Calendar for this area by the Executive Director when, prior to taking up the Consent Calendar, staff and the applicant are in agreement on the staff recommendation. If an item is moved to the Consent Calendar it will be processed in the same manner as other Consent Calendar items (See AGENDA HEADINGS) except if that item is subsequently removed from the Consent Calendar by a vote of three or more commissioners, the item will be acted upon at the meeting in the order in which it originally appears on this Meeting Notice and in the manner Coastal Permit Applications are processed. The purpose of this procedural change is to expedite the Commission's coastal development permit process.
a. Application No. 5-00-51 (Cameo Community, Newport Beach) Application of Cameo Community Association to rebuild 65 feet of private beach access way and slope stabilization, in footprint of original structure, at 117 Milford Drive, Newport Beach, Orange County. (MV-LB) [APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS]
b. Application No. 5-00-359 (Debonis & Faubion, Newport Beach) Application of Debonis & Faubion Construction for 25-ft-high 2,408 sq.ft. single-family home, attached 400 sq.ft. garage and 57 sq.ft. deck, on lot next to tidal wetland, at 315 Canal Street, Newport Beach, Orange County. (KFS-LB) [APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS]
c. Application No. 5-00-360 (Debonis & Faubion, Newport Beach) Application of Debonis & Faubion Construction, Inc. for 25-ft-high 2,408 sq.ft. single-family home, attached 400 sq.ft. garage and 57 sq.ft. deck, on lot next to tidal wetland, at 319 Canal Street, Newport Beach, Orange County. (KFS-LB) [APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS]
d. Application No. 5-00-476 (Kirkwood, Los Angeles) Application of R. Carter & Jessica Kirkwood to demolish home, and construct 29-ft-high 5,665 sq.ft. single-family home over basement, and attached garage, on 18,118 sq.ft. lot above Potrero Canyon, at 341 Alma Real Drive, Pacific Palisades, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County. (AM-LB) [APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS]
e. Application No. 5-01-18 (Conger, Torrance) Application of Robert & Nancy Conger to grade 43.7 cu.yds., remodel and construct 591 sq.ft. 12‡-ft-high 1st-story addition behind existing 3,152 sq.ft. 2-story single-family home, three retaining walls, 404 sq.ft. patio with spa & stairs, and 246 sq.ft. 12-in-high cantilevered wood deck over rear yard of 23,400 sq.ft. blufftop lot, at 501 Paseo De La Playa, Torrance, Los Angeles County. (KAT-LB) [POSTPONED]
f. Application No. 5-01-44 (Orange Co. riding facility, Newport Beach) Application of County of Orange to close and re-plant Mesa Area riding arena and establish new day-use equestrian facility next to Delhi Channel, at 2202 Mesa Drive, Newport Beach, Orange County. (ALK-LB) [APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS]
g. Application No. 5-01-60 (Waisler, Los Angeles) Application of Andrew Waisler to demolish triplex and construct 28-ft-high 4,178 sq.ft. three story duplex with 4 open parking spaces, on 3,751 sq.ft. lot, at 32 East Dudley Avenue, Venice, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County. (KAT-LB) [APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS]
h. Application No. 5-01-85 (Smith, Seal Beach) Application of John & Patricia Smith to remodel and convert 5-unit apartment into 4-unit apartment, add 356 sq.ft. & elevator, and increase on-site parking from 4 spaces to 5 spaces, at 617 Ocean Avenue, Seal Beach, Orange County. (KFS-LB) [APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS]
i. Application No. 5-01-89 (Stone, Los Angeles) Application of Doreen Rooney Stone to demolish 1,872 sq.ft. duplex, and construct 35-ft-high 3,962 sq.ft. duplex, attached 3-car garage and 2 unenclosed guest parking spaces, on 3,096 sq.ft. at 7025-7027 Trolleyway Street, Playa Del Rey, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County. (KAT-LB) [APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS]
j. Application No. 5-01-97 (Moe, San Clemente) Application of John & Cheryl Moe for 1,912 sq.ft. 25-ft-high single-family home & attached 448 sq.ft. garage, on coastal canyon lot, at 229-231 West Avenida Alessandro, San Clemente, Orange County. (ALK-LB) [APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS]
k. Application No. 5-01-103 (Lipson, Los Angeles) Application of Mr & Mrs Mark Lipson to remodel and add to 28-ft-high 6,784 sq.ft. single-family home over basement & attached 412 sq.ft. garage, to create 10,317 sq.ft. home & attached 452 sq.ft. garage, on 36,679 sq.ft. lot, at 15070 Corona Del Mar, Pacific Palisades, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County. (AM-LB) [APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS]
l. Application No. 5-01-73 (Bogart, Hermosa Beach) Application of Bruce Bogart to demolish 1-story single-family home with one on-site parking space, and construct 30-ft-high 2,511 sq.ft. single-family home & 2-car garage on 1,478 sq.ft. R-3 zoned lot, at 122 - 2nd Street, Hermosa Beach, Los Angeles County. (KAT-LB) [APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS]
20. PERMIT AMENDMENTS. See AGENDA HEADINGS. An Amendment below may be moved to the Consent Calendar for this area by the Executive Director when, prior to taking up the Consent Calendar, staff and the applicant are in agreement on the staff recommendation. If an item is moved to the Consent Calendar it will be processed like other Consent Calendar items (See above) except that if that item is subsequently removed from the Consent Calendar by a vote of 3 or more commissioners, the item will be acted upon at the meeting in the order in which it originally appears on this Meeting Notice and in the manner material amendments are processed.
a. Permit No. 5-88-716-A (Costa Mesa Canyon Community Park) Request by City of Costa Mesa, Engineering Division for 300-ft-long 10-ft-wide 2-ft-high hydroseeded earthen berm with of 120 cu.yds. of imported fill, at 1065 Sea Bluff Drive, Costa Mesa, Orange County. (FJS-LB) [APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS]
b. Permit No. 5-92-377-A (Los Angeles, Venice private docks) Request by Los Angeles, Bureau of Engineering to extend term to (December 31, 2007) during which private residential boat docks may be constructed in Venice Canals, at public right of ways of Linnie, Howland, Sherman, Eastern Grand and Carroll Canals, Venice, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County. (CP-LB) [APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS]
c. Permit No. 5-99-423-A (Evans, Seal Beach) Request by David E. Evans to delete all references to lease restrictions in previously imposed conditions, at 16291 Surfside Avenue, Seal Beach, Orange County. (ALK-LB) [APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS]
d. Permit No. 5-83-959-A8 (County of Orange & AWMA, Laguna Beach) Request by County of Orange & AWMA to use Aliso Water Management Agency Ocean Outfall to divert coliform-contaminated summertime flow from Aliso Creek between May 1, 2001 & October 15, 2001 at Aliso Creek 300 feet northeast of its Pacific Coast Highway undercrossing, Laguna Beach, Orange County. (KFS-LB) [TO CONTINUE]
e. Permit No. 5-97-316-A4 (County of Orange, Laguna Beach) Request by County of Orange for 6-ft-high 24-ft-wide 60-ft-long temporary berm in bed of Aliso Creek to detain coliform contaminated summertime creek flows between May 1, 2001 & October 15, 2001 (Ponded water would be discharged 1.5 miles from the shoreline through the Aliso Water Management Agency Ocean Outfall), at Aliso Creek 300 feet northeast of its Pacific Coast Highway undercrossing, Laguna Beach, Orange County. (KFS-LB) [TO CONTINUE]
f. Permit No. A-5-97-166-A4 (County of Orange, Laguna Beach) Request by County of Orange for temporary berm on the banks of Aliso Creek, use of subsurface 12î diameter 200 foot long PVC pipe extending from creek, through public parking lot, to inlet into Aliso Water Management Agencyís Ocean Outfall to divert coliform contaminated summertime creek flows between May 1, 2000 through October 15, 2000 (to be discharged 1.5 miles offshore), at Aliso Creek 300 feet northeast of its Pacific Coast Highway undercrossing, Laguna Beach, Orange County. (KFS-LB) [TO CONTINUE]
a. Permit No. 5-97-367-A (Hellman, Seal Beach) Hellman Properties LLC granted permit amendment with conditions to eliminate 100 acre golf course and associated wetland impacts and wetland restoration, add deed restriction reserving lowlands for acquisition for wetlands restoration, expand footprint of 70-lot residential subdivision from 14.9 acres to 18.4 acres, reduce grading to 420,000 cu.yds., and change previously imposed special conditions, at Hellman Ranch, northeast of PCH (State Route 1), southeast of San Gabriel River, south of Adolfo Lopez Drive, west of Seal Beach Blvd, and north of Marina Hill, Seal Beach, Orange County. (KFS-LB) [APPROVED]
a. Application No. 4-00-156 (Krentzman, Malibu) Application of Adam Krentzman for 18-ft-high 5,660 sq.ft. single-family home, attached garage, 750 sq.ft. guest house, 608 sq.ft. garden shed, pool, and driveway, remove old septic system, and perform 1,250 cu.yds. of grading on site of previous home, at 22035 Carbon Mesa Road, Malibu, Los Angeles County. (KK-V) [APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS]
4. DEPUTY DIRECTOR'S REPORT. Report by Deputy Director on permit waivers, emergency permits, immaterial amendments & extensions, LCP matters not requiring public hearings, and on comments from the public. For specific information contact the Commission's Ventura office at (805) 585-1800.
a. Appeal No. A-4-01-97 (Capital Pacific, Santa Barbara) Appeal by Citizens Planning Association and League of Women Voters from decision of City of Santa Barbara granting permit with conditions to Capital Pacific Holdings to merge six lots, divide 2.2 acre site, demolish six commercial & industrial buildings, and construct corner market and forty condominiums in ten 2-story buildings with street frontage improvements, at 214 Yanonali Street, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara County. (AAV-V) [NO SUBSTANTIAL ISSUE FOUND]
7. COASTAL PERMIT APPLICATIONS. See AGENDA HEADINGS. Attention: Items appearing in this section of the agenda may be moved to the Consent Calendar for this area by the Executive Director when, prior to taking up the Consent Calendar, staff and the applicant are in agreement on the staff recommendation. If an item is moved to the Consent Calendar it will be processed in the same manner as other Consent Calendar items (See AGENDA HEADINGS) except that if that item is subsequently removed from the Consent Calendar by a vote of three or more commissioners, the item will be acted upon at the meeting in the order in which it originally appears on this Meeting Notice and in the manner Coastal Permit Applications are processed. The purpose of this procedural change is to expedite the Commission's coastal development permit process.
a. Application No. 4-00-183 (Serkerka, West & Lee, Malibu) Application of Paul & Ivana Serkerka, William West & Brenda Lee to adjust lot line between 2 lots (.49 & 2.812 acres) resulting in lots of 1.489 & 1.323 acres, and construct 5,305 sq.ft. 28-ft-high single-family home, attached garage, swimming pool, and septic system, with 1,635 cu.yds. of grading, at 5945 Ramirez Canyon, Malibu, Los Angeles County. (JLA-V) [APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS]
b. Application No. 4-00-221 (Clemens, Los Angeles Co.) Application by Mark Clemens for 2,346 sq.ft. 1-story single-family home, 1,168 sq. ft attached garage, covered porch, office trailer, storage container, septic system, and propane tank, with 43 cu.yds. of cut to be exported outside coastal zone, and offer to dedicate public hiking & equestrian trail over part of site, at 1160 Henry Ridge Motorway, Topanga, Los Angeles County. (JCJ-V) [APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS]
c. Application No. 4-00-229 (Purucker, Malibu) Application of Fred & Mary Purucker to demolish 406 sq.ft. of three detached sheds, construct 528 sq.ft. detached garage and 750 sq.ft. detached apartment with additional 94 sq.ft. storage area, 836 sq.ft. basement & attic, convert 633 sq.ft. apartment to non-inhabitable structure, and excavate 247 cu.yds., at 6636 Wandermere Road, Malibu, Los Angeles County. (AAV-V) [WITHDRAWN]
d. Application No. 4-00-234 (Rochester Fund I, Malibu) Application of Rochester Fund I, L.L.C. to divide 9,950 sq.ft. lot into two lots (4,685 & 4,865 sq.ft.), construct 35-ft-high 4,000 sq.ft. condominium with garage on each lot, and grade 1,700 cu.yds. for entire project, using existing water, sewer, and electric utilities, at 18233 Coastline Drive, Malibu, Los Angeles County. (AAV-V) [APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS]
e. Application No. 4-00-259 (Herzig, Malibu) Application of Ralph Herzig, Ph.D., to adjust lot line between two beachfront lots, remove debris from foundation of previously burned structure, and construct eight 27-ft-high condominiums, stairway to beach, flood control improvements, seawall, 29 paved parking spaces, and septic system, with 1,000 cu.yds. of cut & export, at 21200 & 21202 Pacific Coast Highway, Malibu, Los Angeles County. (MKH-V) [TO CONTINUE]
f. Application No. 4-00-262 (Hadad, Malibu) Application of Esther Hadad for 7,531 sq.ft. 35-ft-high single-family home, attached 3-car garage, driveway, retaining walls, swimming pool, septic system and 3,438 cu.yds. of grading, at 24517 Piuma Road, Malibu, Los Angeles County. (SNH-V) [APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS]
g. Application No. 4-01-18 (Kraft, Malibu) Application of Richard Kraft for 3,700 sq.ft. 28-ft-high single-family home, attached 700 sq.ft. garage, driveway, pool, spa, septic system with 2 pits, tennis court, perimeter fence, and 751 cu.yds. of grading, at 6500 Zuma View Place, Malibu, Los Angeles County. (BL-V) [APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS]
h. Appeal No A-4-01-21 (St. George, Santa Barbara Co.) Appeal by Commissioners Wan & Nava from decision of County of Santa Barbara granting side yard variance and permit with conditions to Ed St. George for 2,093 sq.ft. 2-story single-family home, attached 273 sq.ft. garage and patio, on blufftop lot, at 6583 (Lot 2) Del Playa Drive in Isla Vista, Santa Barbara County. (SNH-V) [APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS]
i. Appeal No A-4-01-22 (St. George, Santa Barbara Co.) Appeal by Commissioners Wan & Nava from decision of County of Santa Barbara granting side yard variance and permit with conditions to Ed St. George for 2,093 sq.ft. 2-story single-family home, attached 267 sq.ft. garage and patio, on blufftop lot, at 6583 (Lot 1) Del Playa Drive in Isla Vista, Santa Barbara County. (SNH-V) [APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS]
j. Application No. 4-01-23 (Mildas Drive Road Assn., Malibu) Application of Mildas Drive Road Association, Inc. for new access road on vacant lot with 1,785 cu.yds. grading, to access 10 existing homes whose access road was destroyed by landslide, and offer to dedicate part of lot outside of road easement as open space, between Mildas Drive & Schueren Road, Malibu, Los Angeles County. (KK-V)
k. Application No. 4-01-40 (Giangiorgi, Malibu) Application of Jean & Mark Giangiorgi to demolish 1,850 sq.ft. single-family home, and construct 7,196 sq.ft. 28-ft-high single-family home, 720 sq.ft. attached garage, new septic system, motorcourt, and fire department turnaround, at 7145 Grasswood Avenue, Malibu, Los Angeles County. No grading is proposed. (BL-V) [APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS]
l. Application No. 4-01-53 (Helper & Martin, Malibu) Application of Bob Helper & Chong Soon Martin for 520-ft-long driveway to serve two vacant lots including fire truck turnaround, gate, retaining walls, and 2,065 cu.yds. of grading, at 29637 & 29725 Pacific Coast Highway, Malibu, Los Angeles County. (JCJ-V) [APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS]
m. Application No. 4-01-45 (Helper & Schoenberger, Malibu) Application of Bob & Eileen Helper and Nikolaus & Maria Schoenberger to adjust lot line between two lots to create lots of 1.75 & 2.43 acres, construct 1-story 5,451 sq.ft. single-family home, 3-car garage, retaining walls, pool & spa, fence, and septic system, with 502 cu.yds. of grading, at 29725 Pacific Coast Highway and 29732 Baden Place, Malibu, Los Angeles County. (JCJ-V) [APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS]
n. Application No. 4-00-147 (Parker, Los Angeles Co.) Application of Tim & Kerry Parker for 3,630 sq.ft. 21-ft-high, single-family home, 776 sq.ft. attached garage, septic system, water well, swimming pool, jacuzzi, paved access road and driveway, temporary construction trailer, and 136 cu.yds. of grading, at 2240 Latigo Canyon Road, near Malibu, Los Angeles County. (SLG-V) [APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS]
o. Application No. 4-00-276 (Gilson, Malibu) Application of Bud & Sandy Gilson to remodel existing 2,603 sq.ft. home, add 232 sq.ft. to first floor, new 710 sq.ft. second story, new 400 sq.ft. garage, convert existing 623 sq.ft. garage to living area, replace septic tank, remove & recompact 85 cu.yds., and restore habitat buffer zone along Escondido Creek, at 6314 Sycamore Meadows Drive, Malibu, Los Angeles County. (SLG-V) [APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS]
8. PERMIT AMENDMENTS. See AGENDA HEADINGS. An Amendment below may be moved to the Consent Calendar for this area by the Executive Director when, prior to taking up the Consent Calendar, staff and the applicant are in agreement on the staff recommendation. If an item is moved to the Consent Calendar it will be processed like other Consent Calendar items (See above) except that if that item is subsequently removed from the Consent Calendar by a vote of 3 or more commissioners, the item will be acted upon at the meeting in the order in which it originally appears on this Meeting Notice and in the manner material amendments are processed.
a. Permit No. 4-96-103-A2 (MacLachlan, Los Angeles Co.) Request by Bruce & Mary Ann Mac Lachlan to amend approved plans to add 332 sq.ft. to 1,855 sq.ft. home, add 200 sq.ft. deck, new retaining wall & exterior staircase east of home, railroad tie stairway, extend driveway, remove rear garden wall, and use residential trailer during construction, at 774 Old Topanga Canyon Road, Topanga, Los Angeles County. (SLG-V) [APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS]
b. Permit No. 4-99-187-A (Leonard, Malibu) Request by Drew & Janice Leonard to construct horse stable and increase number of horses on site from ten to twenty, at 27355 Pacific Coast Highway, Malibu, Los Angeles County. (KK-V) [APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS]
a. Application No. 4-00-131 (Fioramonti, Los Angeles Co.) Glory Fioramonti granted permit with conditions to construct 23-ft-high 1,404 sq.ft. single-family home, retaining wall, stairway, use residence trailer during construction, remove apartment, resurface asphalt driveway, widen and extend part of driveway for Fire Department turnaround, with 10 cu.yds. of cut grading, at 1233 Greenleaf Canyon Road, Topanga, Los Angeles County. (SLG-V) [POSTPONED]
Future Meetings: The next meetings of the Coastal Commission will be July 10-13 in Santa Rosa, and August 7-10 in Redondo Beach.
Future Meetings: The next meetings of the Coastal Commission will be in , and in .
See new submittals information (These are items submitted to the Coastal Commission and could be scheduled on future meeting agendas).
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