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Meeting InformationMEETING RULES AND PROCEDURES:SPEAKER SIGN-UP & TIME LIMITS. If you wish to speak on an item, please fill out a "Request to Speak" form and give it to a staff person before the public hearing. The forms are available near the door to the meeting room. Time limits are indicated on the speaker sign-up forms, and later in this summary, and in case of questions or disputes, the Chairman will determine the time limits for each speaker at the beginning of the public hearing. Speakers on non-permit items may be limited to five minutes or less depending on the number wishing to be heard. Time limits for permit items are combined total time for all speakers in favor of or in opposition to the project. Written comments may be of any length; you are encouraged to submit detailed information in writing to staff for distribution to Commissioners. Please provide twenty copies if possible. SUGGESTIONS FOR SUBMISSION OF WRITTEN MATERIALS. It is requested that written materials be submitted to Commission staff no later than three working days before the hearing. In the upper right hand corner of the first page of your submittal please identify the agenda item number, your name and your position in favor or opposition to the project. Please attempt to summarize your position in no more than two or three pages. You may attach as many exhibits as you feel are necessary. Please Note: While not prohibited from doing so, you are discouraged from submitting written materials to the Commission on the day of the hearing, unless they are visual aids. It is more difficult for Commissioners to carefully consider late material. NO FAXs will be accepted at the meeting site. You may be able to make prior arrangements with staff or a Commissioner to send a fax, but you will be responsible for paying the hotel or meeting site for its receipt. CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS. Government Code Section 84308 requires Commissioners to disqualify themselves from voting on any matter if they have received a campaign contribution of more than $250 from an interested party. If you intend to speak on any hearing item, please indicate on your speaker slip and/or in your testimony, if you have made campaign contributions of more than $250 to any Commissioner within the last year, and if so, to which Commissioners you contributed. CONTACTS with COMMISSIONERS. New legal requirements limit communications with staff and commissioners. Written materials sent to Commissioners must be sent to staff at the same time. All non-procedural communications must become part of the record. For a summary of these requirements, please call the receptionist at (415) 904-5200. PUBLIC STATEMENTS ABOUT ITEMS NOT ON THIS AGENDA. Before the lunch recess each day there will be time for public statements about the work of the Commission other than items that are pending before the Commission. Persons wishing to speak during this period should be sure to fill out a sign-up slip, and should limit the length of the presentation to 5 minutes or less. If this public comment period is inconvenient, you may submit written comments to the Commission office, and copies will be distributed to all Commissioners. WHEN WILL MY AGENDA ITEM BE HEARD? Unfortunately, no one can predict how quickly the Commission will complete agenda items or how many will be postponed to a later date. The Commission begins each session at the time listed on the Meeting Notice and considers each item in order, except in extraordinary circumstances. The Commission may consider an item even though the interested persons are not present. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS. A written staff report & recommendation will be available for most items on this agenda. At the end of the agenda description the author's initials and a code indicating his/her headquarters office are identified (E=Eureka SF=San Francisco SC=Santa Cruz V=Ventura LB=Long Beach SD=San Diego). To encourage public participation, staff reports will be distributed 10 days before the meeting whenever possible. If you are interested in any item on this Meeting Notice contact the nearest Commission office to arrange for a copy of the staff report & recommendation to be made available to you. WAIVERS OF PERMIT & EMERGENCY PERMITS. The District Directors of the Commission's various offices will announce the Executive Director's decisions to waive coastal permit requirements and issuance of emergency permits during the "Deputy Director's Report" item at the beginning of each section of the agenda. VISUAL MATERIALS. You may use slides and other materials at the hearing. A slide projector & carousel will be available, and Commission staff can assist you in its use. All materials exhibited to the Commission during the hearing (slides, maps, etc) are part of the public record and must be kept by the Commission for 60 days after final Commission action on the matter. Your materials will be returned upon written request. PUBLIC & ADMINISTRATIVE RECORDS. Many public records on agenda items will be available for inspection at the meeting, and are available at all other times in the Commission office. Please call our office to make an appointment to see any file you are interested in. If you need a verbatim transcript of these proceedings, there will be a court reporter present at the hearing. If you decide to challenge a final decision of the Commission in Court, please request preparation of an administrative record by letter to the Administrative Records Section at the Commission office in San Francisco, and indicate in your letter a description on the agenda item and the date(s) of Commission action. Such a record will include a transcript of the proceedings at the hearing. CLOSED SESSION. At any time during the meeting the Commission may meet to consider possible and pending litigation in a session closed to the public pursuant to attorney-client privilege and statutory exemption to the Open Meeting Act (Government Code Section 11126e). ACCESS TO HEARINGS. The hearings are wheelchair accessible. If accommodation for other disabilities is required, please call (415) 904-5200. MORE INFORMATION. For more information about this agenda, contact one of the following staff members:
A Telecommunication Device for the Deaf (TDD) is available at (415) 904-5200. The Coastal Commission Is not yet
equipped to receive comments on any official business by electronic mail. Any information
relating to official business should be sent to the appropriate Commission office using
U.S. Mail or courier service.
Previous Meeting Agendas With Posted Results
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August, September, October,
November, December 1999:
January, February, March, April, May,
June, July, August,
September, October, November,
January, February, March, April, May,
June, July, August,
September, October, November, December 1997:
January, February, March, April, May,
June, July, August,
September, October, November, December 1996:
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December Approved 2002 Meeting Dates and Locations
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